Quantum Break on PC finally went official fairly recently. Today we have a brand new game-play footage that shows an amazing level of game-play elements as well as some story elements to get the players excited. The video tells the viewers how Quantum Break is a shooter with brains and by the looks of it, that has to be the case. You can view the full footage below.
Looks amazing, doesn't it? The game reveals jaw-dropping level of detail and the game looks almost real thanks to the amazing motion captures by some of the famous names in the movie industry.
With that said, the technicality of Quantum Break is far more superior than anything we have seen in the gaming industry. What's even more surprising is that we have a confirmation that the above footage has been captured straight from Xbox One. This only goes to show how the game will look on PC. The confirmation was made by Aaron Greenberg, who is the head of Xbox Games Marketing. You can check out Greenberg's tweet below.
Quantum Break is set to be released on PC and Xbox One on April 5th, later this year. Stay tuned for more details on this amazing, amazing shooter by Remedy Entertainment; the developers behind Alan Wake as well as the original Max Payne.