Growth Of Mobile Infographic


Growth Of Mobile Infographic

Did you know 91% of people on the earth have a mobile phone ?. When i was a child i remember there was only land phones and rarely some one was using a mobile phone even that days mobile phones were ten times bigger than today’s mobile phones.But this is not the interesting part, Interesting part is those mobile phones was only for calling or sms.

But now every thing has been changed, by the end of 2013 statistics says that there is more mobile phone than people on the earth and they say 56% of people own a smartphone. Today mobile phones are not only for calling or sms, most of the people uses there mobile phone to manage there day to day activities. With Smartphones you can almost do every work you do on the PC and Mobile phones are been the primary device to surf internet.

Today we are going to give you a nice infographic about ‘Mobile Growth Statistics’.
Infographic Credit goes to : Super Monitoring