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Download Reckless Racing 2 1.1.0 iPA


Download Reckless Racing 2 1.1.0 iPA For iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad [iOS]

Reckless Racing 2 1.1.0 iPA For iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad

[iOS]Here we have the latest version of Reckless Racing 2 1.1.0 IPA available for iOS devices . You can get the full version of this game for free via the links provided below for free . You can also buy it from iTunes (link) at a price of only $ 1.99 . You can play Reckless Racing 2 v1.1.0 IPA on iOS 4.3 or later to run your iDevices. And now its time to strap down and prepare for the ride of your life as Reckless Racing is back with lots of new features and auto modes to enjoy

Reckless Racing 2 1.1.0 For Android :

    Best sliding power game in the world
    Customize your car and improve its performance , handling , tires, rims and colors
    Shading based game engine is characterized by normal maps , reflections , specularity , particles and so much more
    Special effects for iPad 2 , iPhone 4S,
    Challenge your friends in online multiplayer experience for the final
    17 characters
    5 different control layouts
    Option to activate assists
    Available in 8 Languages

New Reckless Racing 2 1.1.0 for iOS :

New device support ( improve ).
